Apple Woes Wit Bad Service and Crappy Products

I have an Apple iPhone 4. I got the phone in DEC 2011. something like two weeks later i had to take it back to apple. pictures all came out really yellow... horrid! They swapped it out easy as pie.. the second one a few months later then started to reboot itself randomly!! Went back to apple, they swapped it again. thrid time lucky hay?

14/062012 my third phone died! wouldnt turn on. eventually it did and said connect to itunes. tried couldnt get it to restore. nothing, worked. friend apple geek tried too...
Went back to Apple, waisted ages waiting as you do, they wouldn't swap it because it was out of its 1 year warranty. i explained how this was the thrid faulty iPhone and how dissatisfied i was. This went on for awhile, they only offered me a replacement for £120, I was sure they said upgrade to a 4s too.
I didnt accept as i didnt believe apple should be asking for more money when their product quality control and reliability has been so shockingly poor. I ended up walking out.

After a day or so, and speaking with the director of the company i work for we decided to pay the money in the hope i would get the costs back at resell.

I called apple on my way home to confirm the upgrade for that cost to 4s. the lady confirmed!! She also said i didnt need an appointment and just to walk in at store opening.

I took time out of work, got there at 10 to 10, to then be told i have to make an appointment!.. FINE. 10:30 rolls and im still waiting... eventually get seen.. Guess what, they have no notes, no idea where i heard about £119 and an upgrade. I was absolutely astounded. Is this the sort of service we expect from Apple... sure isnt what they try portray.
I argued this with them over and over, and eventually agreed to the swap at the cost. however! it wasn't as easy as giving me a phone.. oh no.. it includes serial numbers which need to be transferred.. not my problem... yet it means i have to wait two weeks for a replacement.. During which, i have no phone!!

I WILL be thinking twice about buying Apple products again with this service.

Ill update when and if i receive the phone..


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